Thursday 23 October 2014

Final Thoughts

As I think about the overview of our trip this summer, I can't help but feel like both Jaclyn and I will be immersing ourselves into a culture that will open our eyes to the beauty in local culture.  Although we will be taking tours with guides, we want to establish relationships with the locals and ask them for help and for guidance.  More than anything Jaclyn and I want to take a break from the active, consumeristic, and political world we live in at home.  We want to become active participants in a culture that is built off of tradition, love, culture and history.

Our trip will be a balanced trip between culture, history, nightlife, relaxation and local adventures.  This dream vacation is more than just a vacation away from home, it is first step to seeing the world through a different lens.  Living in Canada and being in an academic paradigm 24/7, sometimes we forget the rest of the world and the diversity found beyond our limits.  It is time that I explore this diversity and find a comfort in unfamiliar surroundings.

George Town is a location that I will probably have time to visit one or two times in my life.  I need to take the opportunity while it's presented to me and I have the ability to.  Next summer, my graduation will take the majority of my summer along with work and moving away for post graduate education.  With this summer, I want to create memories and experience a culture that will shape my perspectives.  Hopefully one day, I will have the opportunity and privilege to visit distant island countries like the Bahamas.

What's interesting about this trip is the fact that this trip is neither for pleasure or business.  It cannot be divided into binaries.  This trip is my way of taking my free time and pursuing all my dreams in accomplishing the local experience.  I already regret not taking the opportunity to do these types of trips beforehand when I had the opportunity to visit many locations living in the Middle East, being in close proximity to the rest of the European world.  If I could go back in time and experience all the trips I went on, with this perspective, I would have been able to learn more about the countries, cities, and cultures, on a deeper level than just basic tourist destinations and all inclusive resorts.

To the Bahamas we go!

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