Friday 3 October 2014

The Plan

Living in Dubai growing up and visiting places around the world such as France, England, Lebanon, Turkey, Oman, Italy and Greece, I found myself surrounded around rich European and Middle Eastern culture.  I've always desired an excursion to a place like no other.  An island that I would be capable of diving into the local culture and experiencing things from an insider perspective.  My lifestyle growing up has not always been about nature and the beautiful gifts the world has presented to us.  I've always gravitated towards my comfort zones, which resulted in hotels, basic tours, and tourist excursions that had nothing to do with the local culture.  Pairing up with a dear friend of mine Jaclyn White on this trip will definelty allow me to learn about the world around me, mother nature and the beautiful and welcoming local people.  This summer, before starting work in New York CITY on June 28th, I plan on taking a leap of faith and travelling to an island that will allow me to get in touch with my inner self, George Town, Bahamas.

With a summer full of work, I will be able to collaborate with my parents and pay off the cost of the trip.  The plan is to set up a yard sale in Toronto with Jaclyn to make some extra cash to spend on excursions during our stay.  The plan so far is to leave on Sunday, June 7th, 2015 and to return two weeks later on Sunday, June 21st, 2015 which then gives me a week at home to recoup before heading to New York for work.

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