Sunday 19 October 2014

Beaches In Paradise

The beaches truly seem like they are too good to be true.  With beautiful turquoise water and sand as white as snow, just simply glancing at photos of where I will be gives me the shivers.

Stocking Island, The Exumas

Our first destination in mind for our beach excisions is Stocking Island in The Exumas.  This breathtaking destination is accessible by boat!  The beach is beyond secluded with astonishing views, it will be magical spending hours on the beach relaxing.  The beach offers many natural attractions as well such as blue holes, underwater caves and coral graders.  

Paradise Beach, Paradise Island

This beach is connected to Nassau by two bridges.  The beach attracted Jaclyn and I right away as we researched the spectacular nightlife surrounding the beach itself.  With restaurants, clubs and bars connected to the beach itself, the night will take us from relaxing to a great party.  The beach itself has been known to be described as "Vegas in the Tropics" and with a title like that, we must check it out!  The beach can be accessed by boat or foot.

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